Applications Steelsmith
Beneficiary name: FLANSCH-TECH Metallurgy i Product and
Assembly Trade Ltd.
Project Title: Annual Co-operation of FLANSCH-TECH KFT.
Contracted amount of aid: HUF 24 000 000
Aid rate: 40.89%
Description of the project content:
The following equipment was purchased under the project: 2 induction heating units.
The induction heaters purchased will be used to produce more dimensionally accurate products
The induction heaters also have a higher capacity of 500 kg/hour each, whereas the currently available furnace has a capacity of approximately 100-120 kg/hour.
Induction heaters continuously monitor the temperature of the pieces and automatically adjust the heating intensity accordingly. This ensures that the heated parts are forged within a range of +/-5 °C, a common requirement in the automotive industry. In the event of machine or tool failure and downtime, the machine can be switched to temporary holding or re-cooling, so that the parts in the machine can be reused.
In induction heating, the parts to be heated are heated in an induction coil with a diameter very close to the diameter of the part, so energy loss is minimised. The more economical heating cost and the significantly higher number of pieces that can be produced per shift make our products much more competitive.
Project completion date: 13.02.2018
Project ID: VEKOP-1.2.1-16-2016-00203