Data management declaration

Data management declaration
(QUOTES)Name of the organisation:
FLANSCH-TECH Metallurgical Products and Fittings Trade
Limited Liability Company

1211 Budapest, Színesfém utca 25. number

Company registration number:

Tax number:

Person authorised to represent:
András Faragó Managing Director

Entry into force: 22 April 2024
Applicable: from 25 May 2018

Cookiek. During visits to the Company’s website, one or more cookies (“cookies”)
– a small packet of information that the server sends to the browser, and the browser sends back to the server for each request directed to the server – is sent to the computer of the person visiting the website. In this way, the browser of the website will be uniquely identifiable, provided that the person visiting the website has given his/her explicit (active) consent to this by continuing to browse the website, after having been clearly and unambiguously informed.
Cookies are used solely to improve the user experience and automate the login process. The cookies used on the website do not store personally identifiable information and the Company does not process personal data in this context.
Registration and newsletter. The data processing rules for registration on the website and subscription to the newsletter are as follows:
The legal basis for processing is the clear and explicit consent of the data subject, given by ticking the box next to the words “registration” or “newsletter subscription” on the website, after having been duly informed about the processing of his/her personal data.
The purposes of the processing are: to contact the data subject in order to prepare a contract, to provide free services on the website to the data subject, to access non-public content of the website.
The purpose of data processing in case of newsletter subscription: to inform the data subject about the Company’s services, products, changes, news and events.
The personal data concerned by the processing in the case of newsletter subscriptions: name, e-mail address.
The personal data concerned by the processing in the case of registration: name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, password.
Data subjects: natural persons who register on the website and subscribe to the newsletter.
Data processing category concerned: website registration and newsletter data.
The recipient of the personal data: the Company’s manager, employees who are responsible for customer relations, data processors who operate the Company’s website.
Duration of processing: until consent is withdrawn. In the case of a newsletter, the
“unsubscribe” or, in the case of registration, until its cancellation at the request of the data subject.
The data subject may unsubscribe from the newsletter at any time or request the deletion of his/her registration (personal data).
The unsubscription to the newsletter is done by clicking on the unsubscribe link included in the e-mails sent to the data subject or by postal letter sent to the Company’s headquarters.
Direct marketing. The rules on data processing in relation to direct marketing activities on the website are as follows:
The legal basis for processing is the data subject’s explicit and unambiguous consent, which he or she gives by ticking the box next to the text “consent to direct marketing request” on the website, after having been duly informed about the processing of his or her personal data. The data subject may also give his/her consent on paper by filling in and signing the data sheet in Annex 6 to this Policy and sending it to the Company by post.
The purposes of data processing are: to contact you in connection with the provision of services, the sale of products, to send you advertisements, offers for the purpose of notifying you of promotions, by electronic means or by post.
Personal data concerned by the processing: name, address, telephone number, e-mail address.
Data subjects: all natural persons who give their unambiguous, explicit consent to the processing of their personal data by the Company for direct marketing purposes.
The data processing category concerned is direct marketing data.
The recipient of the personal data: the Company’s managing director, employees performing customer relations and marketing tasks.
Duration of processing: until consent is withdrawn.
Done at Budapest, this 25th day of May 2018
Péter Faragó
Managing Director
FLANSCH-TECH Metallurgical Products and Fittings Trade
Limited Liability Company